
五洲钻石奖·2023年度终身成就奖 Continental Diamond Award·Annual Special Contribution Award in International Cultural Tourism and Hotel Industry Leaders
五洲钻石奖·文旅国际年度影响力领袖Continental Diamond Award·Annual Entrepreneurial Leaders
五洲钻石奖·中国文旅产业年度杰出企业家Continental Diamond Award·Annual Outstanding Entrepreneur of Culture& Tourism Industry
五洲钻石奖·文旅及酒店业年度杰出总裁(总经理) Continental Diamond Award·Annual Outstanding President/General Manager
五洲钻石奖·2023文旅国际年度金牌旅游目的地 Continental Diamond Award·2023 Culture& Tourism International Annual Hot Tourist Attraction
五洲钻石奖·江西风景独好旅游名县 Continental Diamond Award·Jiangxi Is A Famous Tourist County With Unique Scenery
五洲钻石奖·年度城市魅力品牌酒店 Continental Diamond Award·Annual Influential Branded Hotel
五洲钻石奖·年度品牌旅游区度假酒店 Continental Diamond Award·Annual Best Tourist Resort Hotel
五洲钻石奖·年度城市品牌商务酒店 Continental Diamond Award·Annual Business Hotel of Brand City
五洲钻石奖·年度网红打卡酒店 Continental Diamond Award·Annual Internet Celebrity Clock Hotel
五洲钻石奖·年度名饮美食酒店 Continental Diamond Award·Annual Famous Food Hotel
五洲钻石奖·2023年度好品牌餐厅(馆) Continental Diamond Award·Annual Famous Food Hotel
五洲钻石奖·年度绿色环保酒店 Continental Diamond Award·Annual Green protection Hotel
五洲钻石奖·年度杰出设计酒店 Continental Diamond Award·Annual Art Themed Hotel
五洲钻石奖·年度品牌酒店集团发展及投资价值奖 Continental Diamond Award·Annual Investment Value of Branded Hotel Group
五洲钻石奖·年度投资价值酒店连锁品牌 Continental Diamond Award·Annual Investment Value Hotel Chain Brand
五洲钻石奖·年度优选文旅及酒店配套商品牌 Continental Diamond Award·Annual Branded Hotel Supplier "
世界酒店·五洲钻石奖 颁奖嘉宾
