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    太湖湾云中部落度假村 云中部落定位高端人群,由嬉戏谷国际大酒店运营管理,提供24小时私人定制管家服务。每位客人在云中部落接待中心办理手续后,出入均由电动观光车接送。 度假不是旅行,更不是旅游,旅行只是用脚丈量一个地方,旅游只是走马观花的旅游景点。而度假。是与家人抛开日常琐屑,享受一种生活。太湖湾云中部落度假村,深刻理解您的需求,以贴心服务为您贡献心神俱醉的浪漫假期。
    Taihu bay cloud tribe resort The cloud tribe locates the high-end crowd, which is operated by the game valley international hotel, and provides 24-hour personal custom butler service.Each guest will be transported by electric sightseeing bus at the reception center of the tribe in the cloud. Vacations are not travel, not travel. Travel is only a place to measure a place, and tourism is just a tourist attraction.While on vacation.It's about living a life with your family.Taihu bay cloud tribe resort, deep understanding of your needs, with thoughtful service for your dedication to the romantic holiday.