DDA/Dan Design Associates
DDA 深圳市骆丹建筑装饰设计有限公司是DDA丹诺集团旗下专注于酒店设计的专业机构。DDA丹诺国际集团由著名酒店设计师骆丹先生及国际合伙人共同创建,是中国境内首家酒店设计产业链整合机构,为全球的高端酒店业提供酒店建筑设计、酒店室内设计、酒店艺术品配饰设计与供应、酒店管理、酒店咨询、酒店投资等一站式服务。DDA丹诺国际酒店产业园旗下在中国境内有DDA骆丹国际酒店设计(香港)有限公司、DDA深圳市骆丹建筑装饰设计有限公司、DARRO丹诺定制大师、锦骏工程,在境外有DDA德国柏林的博斯特设计公司(BOST GROUP BERLIN),DDA总部设在中国深圳。
DDA/Dan Design Associates was established by Mr. Luo Dan and international copartners, the originator of DDA International Hotel Limited Company. DDA International Hotel Limited Company is implementing the flowing services: hotel architecture design, hotel interior design, hotel furniture and accessories design, hotel investment , hotel consultant and hotel management ; which provides one-stop service system for customers. DDA International Hotel Design Industrial Park has owned company in both Hongkong and Shenzhen in China with head office in Shenzhen, it also has Bost Group Berlin,Germany.
DDA/Dan Design Associates
DDA 深圳市骆丹建筑装饰设计有限公司是DDA丹诺集团旗下专注于酒店设计的专业机构。DDA丹诺国际集团由著名酒店设计师骆丹先生及国际合伙人共同创建,是中国境内首家酒店设计产业链整合机构,为全球的高端酒店业提供酒店建筑设计、酒店室内设计、酒店艺术品配饰设计与供应、酒店管理、酒店咨询、酒店投资等一站式服务。DDA丹诺国际酒店产业园旗下在中国境内有DDA骆丹国际酒店设计(香港)有限公司、DDA深圳市骆丹建筑装饰设计有限公司、DARRO丹诺定制大师、锦骏工程,在境外有DDA德国柏林的博斯特设计公司(BOST GROUP BERLIN),DDA总部设在中国深圳。
DDA/Dan Design Associates was established by Mr. Luo Dan and international copartners, the originator of DDA International Hotel Limited Company. DDA International Hotel Limited Company is implementing the flowing services: hotel architecture design, hotel interior design, hotel furniture and accessories design, hotel investment , hotel consultant and hotel management ; which provides one-stop service system for customers. DDA International Hotel Design Industrial Park has owned company in both Hongkong and Shenzhen in China with head office in Shenzhen, it also has Bost Group Berlin,Germany.