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中南置地 是中南集团旗下房地产旗舰品牌,是一个大型的房地产企业,依托母公司多产业链融合联动的优势,中南置地已打造出精品住宅、商业地产、特色小镇、旅游养生、产业园区等五大业态,以及贴心物业、文教产业、绿色园林三大配套产业。
Zoina Land is the flagship brand of Zhongnan Group. It is a large-scale real estate enterprise. Based onthe advantages of the parent company's multi-industry chain integration, Zoina Land has built boutiqueresidence, commercial real estate, distinctive town, travel and health, as well as industrial park. Besides,there are relevant three supporting industries: property management, cultural and educational industries,green garden.