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         江苏省会议中心是按照高星级标准建造、以会议接待为特色的涉外旅游宾馆,是江苏省委、省政府对外接待的重要窗口,隶属于江苏钟山宾馆集团,其原址是建于1929年的国民党黄埔军校同学会“励志社”,是南京市区内宾馆饭店业独树一帜的园林式宾馆。 会议中心拥有581间客房;餐位1800余个,拥有可容纳30桌以上宴请的大型宴会厅3个,拥有可容纳700余人的大会堂,大型多功能展厅4个,及各类会议室20多个,是江苏省规模最大的宾馆之一。多年来圆满完成省党代会、省人大、省政协等重要政务接待任务;参与过江苏发展大会、青奥会、“12.13”国家公祭日等国内外重要会议和活动接待,获得各级领导及社会各界的广泛赞誉,是江苏省会议型酒店的旗帜和标杆之一。近年来先后被评为“中国最具规模的会议酒店30强”、“中国十大品牌会议酒店”,荣获“全国最佳会议酒店”、“会议产业年度华表奖”、“江苏省文明单位”、“全国厂务公开民主工作先进单位”等荣誉。
         Jiangsu Conference Center is a tourist hotel authorized to accommodate overseas guest, built according to high-star hotel standard. It features its reception. And it is an important window for the foreign reception?of Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee and provincial government. Affiliated to?Jiangsu Zhongshan Hotel Group, it located on the old site of Inspirational community established in 1929, and the community was built by school reunion of Huangpu Military Academy, which make garden-style hotel?is distinguished. The Conference Center has 581 rooms, more than 1800 tables in dining room, three large banquet halls with more than 30 tables, a large hall capable of catering for over 700 people, four large multi-functional exhibition halls, and more than 20 conference rooms. It is one of the largest hotels in Jiangsu Province. Over the years, the?Party Congress, Provincial People's Congress, Political Consultative Conference and other important governments play host to guests here; And Jiangsu Conference Center?is one part of?Jiangsu Development Summit, the Youth Olympic Games, Nanjing massacre victims national?memorial ceremony?and other important conferences and activities at home and abroad. It get the leaders and the communitys high praise. Besides, Jiangsu Conference Center?is seen as a bellwether for conference hotel of Jiangsu.世纪城假日酒店将为您提供令人惊喜的餐饮娱乐选择。思飞咖啡厅将为您提供荟萃西式、亚洲特选佳肴,以及品种繁多的自助餐及零点菜肴,您可以在华府中餐厅品到正宗的川菜料理,黑龙滩大鱼头火锅厅将为您提供令人垂涎欲滴的奇幻美食,您无需远赴泰国,便能尽享纯正泰式自助风味火锅。

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