French cuisine has a rich taste and plenty of gravy; ingenious cutlery is a must for French cuisine. The gorgeous dishes satisfy your sense of sight; the wine satisfies your sense of smell; the food satisfies your sense of taste; glasses and cutlery crisscross in the peaceful space, it is best experience for your senses. The classical style of InterContinental hotel’s French restaurant gives the customers matchless experience.5 theme VIP rooms based on black and white, decorated in a cozy design, is filled with freedom and creativity. Library, Red wine, Martell, Flower of Paris and Latour VIP room will take private dinning to a new level. Thibaut Pouplard, the chef from France with affluent experience in international hotels, believes with the right combination of food and seasoning, you can cater the customers with the simplest ingredients, and make them enjoy the beautiful dinner in harmony.
法国菜的特色是汁多味腴,而吃法国菜必须有精巧的餐具和如画的菜肴满足视觉;扑鼻的酒香满足嗅觉;入口的美味满足味觉;酒杯和刀叉在宁静安详的空间下交错,则是触觉和味觉的最高享受。华侨城洲际大酒店法国餐厅以典雅现代的风格为客人呈现非凡的用餐体验,5间主题贵宾包房在黑白两色的基础上,装饰风格添加暖色基调,崇尚自由和创新的主张在空间流淌。图书馆、红酒、马爹利、巴黎之花和中国惟一的拉图尔红酒等贵宾包房将私密用餐提升到新高度。而来自法国、有着丰富国际酒店经验的大厨Thibaut Pouplard相信,只要最和谐的搭配食物和调味料,即使用简单的素材也能打动客人,让客人在愉快的氛围中享受美食。