唐隆国际酒店位于西安市曲江新区雁南四路98号。距离著名的“大雁塔”、“大唐不夜城”、“大唐芙蓉园” 、“寒窑遗址”等名胜古迹均在2公里以内,地理位置优越,交通十分便利。唐隆国际酒店按国际五星级酒店标准建造,盛唐文化与现代元素的巧妙结合,彰显着酒店的富丽堂皇和气势恢宏。
Tanglong International Hotel is situated in the Qujiang district in Xian, which is well-located and easy of access. Tanglong International Hotel, which was constructed with international five-star standard, intelligently combines the style of Glorious age of Tang Dynasty and contemporary element, giving this hotel a magnificent and luxurious image.