今日上午,世界酒店联盟主席、联合国经社部国际旅游与酒店联合总会执行主席、泛旅文化集团董事长吴军林应江苏钟山宾馆集团邀请在江苏饭店做了专场演讲,该集团三百多位老总及酒店经理人认真聆听了演讲。在整整两个半小时内吴军林主席与大家分享了主题为:“全球疫情:旅游业经济发展现状分析和未来趋势预测”的演讲,并围绕以下六个方面进行了阐述:一、疫情之下世界旅游业发展裂变及未来趋势展望; 二、中国旅游与文化融合发展之现状、问题及未来市场需求预测; 三、中国文旅产业经济发展所面临的几方面重大挑战;四、疫情后时代中国酒店业发展难点、痛点及热点阐述; 五、对长三角地区旅游和酒店业发展几点认知与具体建议等。除此之外,吴军林主席还解答了现场提问。专场讲座结束后,吴军林主席和江苏钟山宾馆集团党委书记、董事长朱银生及集团领导班子成员等进行了广泛交流和有关问题探讨。



This morning, Chairman of the World Hotel Alliance, Executive Chairman of the International Tourism and Hotel Association of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs and Chairman of the Pan-Tour Culture Group, Wu Junlin gave a special speech at the Jiangsu Hotel at the invitation of Jiangsu Zhong Shan Hotel Group. More than 300 executives and hotel managers listened carefully to the speech. In two and a half hours, Chairman Wu Junlin shared a speech on the theme :" Global epidemic: analysis of the current situation of tourism economic development and forecast of future trends ", and elaborated on the following six aspects:First, the development of tourism in the world under the epidemic and prospects for future trends; second, China's tourism and cultural integration of the current situation, problems and future market demand forecast; third, China's tourism industry economic development facing several major challenges; fourth, China's post-epidemic development of the hotel industry difficulties, pain points and hot spots; fifth, the Yangtze River Delta region tourism and hotel industry development awareness and specific suggestions. In addition, Chairman Wu Junlin also answered questions on the spot. After the special lecture, Chairman Wu Junlin and Jiangsu Zhong Shan Hotel Group Party Secretary, Chairman Zhu Yinsheng and members of the leading group of the group held extensive exchanges and related issues.

The leaders attending this special lecture are Zhu Yinsheng, Party Secretary and Chairman of Jiangsu Zhongshan Hotel Group, Zheng Hailong, Deputy Party Secretary and General Manager of the Group, Wu Yuling, Party Committee member and Deputy General Manager of the Group, Wang Fang, Deputy Party Secretary of the Group, Ji Chong, Party Committee member, Deputy General Manager and Chairman of Jiangsu Provincial Convention Center, Zhu Yonggang, Party Committee member, Secretary of discipline Inspection Commission and Commissioner-General of the Group, Hu Hongping, Party Committee member of the Group, Chairman of the Trade Union, head of each company of the Group and general manager of hotels, etc.
The day before the special speech, Ma Long, deputy inspector of Jiangsu Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, Ma Qianshan, standing Committee member of Xuanwu District of Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, warmly received Chairman Wu Junlin and his team.
The day before the special speech, Ma Long, deputy inspector of Jiangsu Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, Ma Qianshan, standing Committee member of Xuanwu District of Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, warmly received Chairman Wu Junlin and his team.

