尊敬的各位业界领导、同仁、名流及媒体朋友们,您们好!首先感谢您们长期以来对我们的大力支持和关爱!未来在中国将会出现更多的国际性论坛(会议、展览)平台,这是一个必然的大趋势。今年,我们将在“七彩云南”省会昆明举办“文旅国际峰会暨第十一届世界酒店论坛”,我们诚挚邀请您出席本届论坛峰会,因为有聚合和面对面交流才会有更多的牵手和多赢机会。让我们今年十月相会在中国春城昆明; 让我们在行业中的思想智慧和经验成果在全球范围内得以良好传播和分享。平台无论是在中国还是在欧美,无论是在都市还是在边城,其传播和收获的效果都是一样的,最主要的是会议要重视创新品质和高度价值!我们在这里,真诚欢迎您,并希望您给自己一个绝佳出场机会!

Event 2018 -- The Globally "International Summit of Cultural Tourism and World Hotel Forum"
Distinguished leaders, colleagues, celebrities and media friends, hello!First of all, thank you for your long-term support and care!In the future, there will be more international conference and exhibition platforms in China, which is an inevitable trend. This year, we will be in Kunming which is the provincial capital of so called "Colorful Yunnan, to hold the International Summit of Cultural Tourism and World Hotel Forum. We sincerely invite you to attend it, because only the cooperation and face to face communication can bring opportunities and to win more. Let's meet in Kunming the spring city of China, in October this year. Let our wisdom and experience in the industry can be well spread and shared around the world. The spread and harvest effects of our platform no matter in China or in Europe or in the United States are same. The mainest point of the meeting is to value innovation and high quality! We are here to sincerely welcome you and hope you can take this great opportunity to play!
Secretariat of the the summit (forum) committee
【WHA】、【泛旅通讯社】、【文旅国际传媒】、【文旅国际峰会】: 国际视野、行业声音、价值发布 WHA是世界酒店联盟的简称。世界酒店联盟和泛旅文化集团是旅游和酒店业颇具影响力的文化、资讯、传媒、论坛(峰会)、奖项评选、品牌连锁加盟、投资管理、供应商产业链合作的综合服务平台。泛旅通讯社、文旅国际传媒、以及文旅国际峰会作为WHA合作联动的官方微信平台,分享具有时效性和前瞻性的旅游和酒店业行业资讯。 欢迎您成为【WHA】、【泛旅通讯社】【文旅国际传媒】和【文旅国际峰会】官方微信平台的读者与作者,及时获取旅游和酒店行业诸多有价值的信息。 |