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时间:2018-05-31来源:文旅国际传媒 作者:张鹏





2018“文旅国际峰会”、“第十一届世界酒店论坛”暨”第十届五洲钻石奖”颁奖活动在世界旅游组织、国际旅游与酒店联合总会、旅游卫视等的大力支持下,将于2018年10月中旬在中国重点旅游城市举办,本届“论坛”和“颁奖活动”由世界酒店联盟、国际旅游与酒店联合总会、泛旅文化集团、文旅国际传媒、旅游卫视、美国亚洲协会等单位主办,由上海泛旅文化传播有限公司、泛旅(北京)国 际文化传播有限公司具体承办。届时联合国世界旅游组织、国家文化和旅游部、著名企业集团、以及中国及有关国家使领馆派出机构代表和主流媒体记者共约500余人将参加“论坛峰会”和“颁奖盛典”活动,恳望业界同仁们积极广泛参与并指导工作!



  Continental Diamond Award Categories


1年度人物奖项Person of the Year


◆ 五洲钻石奖·中国酒店业年度创业功勋领袖

Continental Diamond Award·Annual Pioneering and Outstanding Leader

◆ 五洲钻石奖·中国酒店业年度杰出企业家

Continental Diamond Award·Annual Outstanding 

◆ 五洲钻石奖·中国酒店业年度杰出经理人(总裁/总经理)

Continental Diamond Award·Annual Outstanding Manager (CEO/General Manager) 

◆ 五洲钻石奖·年度优秀酒店设计师(机构) 

Continental Diamond Award·Annual Excellent Hotel Designer


2年度酒店类奖项Annual Hotel Award


◆ 五洲钻石奖·年度最佳魅力品牌酒店 

Continental Diamond Award·Annual Best Influential Branded Hotel 

◆ 五洲钻石奖·年度最佳旅游区度假酒店 

Continental Diamond Award·Annual Best Tourist Resort Hotel 

◆ 五洲钻石奖·年度最佳原创设计酒店 

Continental Diamond Award·Annual Best Hotel of Originality 

◆ 五洲钻石奖·年度文化主题特色酒店

Continental Diamond Award·Annual Best Culture Themed Hotel 



3年度企业机构类奖项Annual Enterprise & Institutional Award


◆ 五洲钻石奖·年度最具发展价值酒店集团

Continental Diamond Award·Annual Most Promising Hotel Group 

◆ 五洲钻石奖·年度最佳品牌酒店配套商 

Continental Diamond Award·Annua Best Branded Hotel Supplier 








Campaign for the 10th Continental Diamond Award Ceremony is Launched



Our preparation work for the 10th Continental Diamond Award 2018 will kicked off and the award presentation ceremony will be held during the serial activities of The 11th World Hotel Association Conference. The summit of “International Culture& Tourism”--- The 15th Continental Diamond Award Ceremony


With the great support of UNWTO, CNTA, the International Federation of Hotel and Tourism(FIHOTO), China Tourist Hotel Association and so on, The 11th World Hotel Forum and the 10th Continental Diamond Award Ceremony will be held in China in mid-October 2018. The Forum and the Award Ceremony is hosted by World Hotel Association, Pan Tourism Culture Group, International Culture& Tourism International Media, The Travel Channel, FIHOTO, Asia Society and organized by Shanghai Pan Tourism Media Co., Ltd. and Pan Tourism (Beijing) International Media Co., Ltd. It is estimated to have around 500 representatives from UNWTO, CNTA, famous enterprise groups, embassies and consulates of related countries and journalists attend this Forum and the Award Ceremony. Welcome all in this field come to join in our forum!







