World Hotel Association has Reached Cooperation with Rundili Technology Industrial Investment Group co. LTD.
In order to better promote the communication and development of Chinese and international tourist hotel industry.Rely on the powerful platform resources and influence the World Hotel Association.Promote the development of China's international tourist hotel industry and prosperity.Better promote the tourism hotels change from extensive to the latter.Further implement the thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new times as guidance by general secretary XiJinping .Achieve the development of Chinese tourism hotel education career to make due contributions.
The World Hotel Association and Rundili Technology Industrial Investment Group co. LTD. formally signed <cooperation agreement> in Changzhou on March 3rd.The main content is:
1."International Hotel Management Group" was established together in Beijing;
2. "World Hotel Association China East Demonstrative Base" was settled in ChangzhouJintan;
3. Jointly carry out resource integration on the basis of existing “Jiangsu Run’ao Garden Hotel Complex" to build a hotel tourism complex project with international influence and demonstration effect;
4. "World Hotel Association China Hotel Tourism Education Training Base" is located in the third period of "Jiangsu Run’ao Garden Hotel Complex";
5. Jointly create the “Small Luxury Club Hotel of Runxin College”;
6. Jointly build the "China Hotel Tourism Supplier Cooperation Transaction Mutual Benefit Platform";
7.The World Hotel Association has presided over the operation of "Jiangsu Run’ao Garden Hotel Complex" project(including: listed five-star hotel, the academy luxury hotel, international conference center, minister and presidential villa building, etc., with a total investment of more than CNY 3 billion);
8. Jointly create the "international conference and BBS summit meeting platform" with top-level ideas;
9.Cooperation Management Group by the World Hotel Association chairman Wu Junlin served as chairman of the board of directors as well as dean of “Runxin Academy’.The headquarters of Cooperation Management Group Company is located in Beijing.Welcome the man of insight to join us;
链 接:润地利科技实业投资集团简介
润地利科技实业投资集团是经国家工商行政管理总局核准的科技投资、房地产等开发综合集团企业,通过 IS09001:2008 版质量管理体系认证,具备国家一级房地产开发资质。润地利集团在江苏省无锡市、苏州市、常州市、南通市等地分别设有项目公司从事科技投资、住宅、商业、办公、酒店等各类房地产项目的开发及运营。2014 年进入 “2014 年中国房地产开发企业 500 强测评”的百强行列。润地利科技实业投资集团从 1997 年组建至今,坚持不懈塑造精品,一路虔行。经过 20 载的发展,集团已完成由三次创业到二次核心竞争力打造的飞跃,并形成了“一体两翼”的发展格局,“一体”是指超高层城市综合体;“两翼”是指金融服务平台加产学研基地。时至今日,润地利集团已发展成为品牌价值逾 20 亿元的多元化产业集团。集团产业实现了由“超高”地产的投资运营到五星级酒店管理、装饰装修、家具制造、综合物业管理以及文化产业的完整链接。在超高层建筑的技术和投资领域,润地利集团一直睿智创新、执着坚守,本着将企业做久、做强、做优的原则,立志为发展成“中国超高层城市综合体投资专家”、 “做城市的脊梁”而不懈努力!公司文化:珍惜对物、努力对事、克制对己、感恩对人。
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