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时间:2017-12-12来源:世界酒店联盟 作者:世界酒店联盟






• 独具一格的流线型SUV设计理念

• 英菲尼迪QX50以自然元素为灵感,采用独具一格的设计理念,呈现出令人一见倾心的流线型外观。上下分离式水波纹中网、水滴形后尾灯等细节,勾勒出和谐流畅的视觉之美。新增的前后保险杠金属镀铬板,结合19英寸轮毂、车顶行李架等配置,强化了QX50的SUV特质。内饰方面,“双波浪”仪表盘和前座舱设计既凸显了自然灵感,又完全符合人体工程学。遵循英菲尼迪一贯的精良工艺,全新QX50选取了细腻的高级真皮、枫木纹实木面板等高品质材料,为驾乘者带来视觉与触觉的双重豪华享受。此外,新增的流金棕和冰锐蓝两种车身颜色,让消费者拥有更多个性选择。


• “智能四驱+V6发动机”高性能组合

• 得益于全系标配“智能四驱+V6发动机”这一高性能组合,全新QX50为驾驶者带来卓越的操控体验。全系标配的智能四驱系统是基于后驱平台开发,可根据路况将动力在前后轴之间智能分配,在保持英菲尼迪车型一贯的后驱操控乐趣的同时,有效避免了单纯后驱车常见的转向过度。而作为同级唯一全系标配V型六缸自然吸气发动机的车型,QX50搭载荣获“沃德十佳发动机”的VQ25HR发动机,动力强劲、响应迅速、运转平顺,搭配7挡手自一体变速箱,实现动力与舒适性的完美平衡。与顶级跑车相同的前双叉臂、后多连杆独立悬架结构,使QX50拥有同级最优秀的操控感受。


• 优质贴心的尊享关怀

• QX50充分考虑了中国消费者的使用需求,通过80mm的增幅,实现了2,880mm的同级最长轴距,为消费者打造出更加宽敞舒适的后排空间,使乘客进出更加从容优雅。同级领先的安全科技——全景式监控影像系统(AVM)为驾驶者提供了360°无死角的车身视野,有效提升低速行驶和泊车时的便捷和安全性。QX50让每位消费者都享受到无微不至的尊享关怀。




Infiniti Sponsors for Glorious 10 Years with WHA, Moving Ahead Together World Hotel Forum 300 Celebrities Beijing Summit

Dongfeng Infiniti Sponsors again for 2017 the 5th World Hotel Association Conference and the 10th World Hotel Forum with its brand vehicles used for VIP guest reception.

Infiniti was born in North America in 1989. It quickly became one of the most important brands of the global luxury car market because of its unique and advanced designing, outstanding product performance and heart-to-heart customer service.

Since 1989, INFINITI has been a pioneer in developing a series of world-first technologies. It is one of the most important brands in the global luxury vehicles market.


• QX50 Concept’s exterior is a highly refined execution of SUV design. 

• Taut and muscular lines with flowing and profiled surfaces combine to create a body that is as strong as it is exquisite. Wood, leather and stitching are used to establish new trends in premium car interior design, while utility is still respected with a spacious cabin and cargo area. QX50 Concept contains the platform on which all future INFINITI autonomous drive technologies will be based. Using input from high-tech laser scanners, radar and camera, QX50 Concept is designed to empower drivers by improving on-road safety.


• Power you expect from a premium SUV matched with surprising fuel efficiency – the best of both worlds. 

• INFINITI’s advanced Variable Compression or VC-Turbo engine adapts its compression ratio according to driving conditions to deliver optimal levels of performance and efficiency. Designed for optimum comfort, the QX50 Concept liberates cabin space in part thanks to the compact, highly space-efficient engine bay design.


• The organic forms of the ‘driver-centric, passenger-minded’ cabin were designed in harmony with the exterior shape. Blending progressive design with modern craftsmanship, the QX50 Concept’s interior reflects INFINITI’s desire to challenge conventional approaches to premium interior design. This concept also previews the roll-out of ProPILOT, the platform upon which all future INFINITI autonomous drive support technologies will be based. Central to the strategy for the development of future INFINITI autonomous drive support systems, ProPILOT Assist ensures the driver retains ultimate control over their vehicle – in keeping with INFINITI’s focus on driver engagement. Allowing drivers to retain control over their vehicle, INFINITI ProPILOT Assist will act as a ‘co-pilot’ for the driver, empowering rather than replacing human control. Furthermore, the QX50 Concept illustrates a potential application for INFINITI’s advanced Variable Compression Turbo (VC-Turbo) engine, offering drivers a powertrain that adapts to offer both power and efficiency.

Glorious 10 Years with WHA, Moving Ahead Together World Hotel Forum 300 Celebrities Beijing Summit will be held in 4 - 5 Jan. 2018 (Registration in Jan. 3rd) in Beijing International Hotel.










