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时间:2017-08-14来源:世界酒店联盟 作者:世界酒店联盟



World Hotel Association has been Accepted into the Organizational System of UNDESA


On 10th August, Mr. Dominique CALACE de FERLUC, general president of the International Federation of Hotel and Tourism(FIHOTO) sent French e-mail specially from Paris to Mr. Wu Junlin, chairman of World Hotel Association(WHA), and expressed his congratulations. The World Hotel Association has already been successfully accepted into the system of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs(UNDESA), and became an non-governmental organization(NGO) of UNDESA. WHA has made outstanding achievements and played a leading role for the exchange and development of Chinese and International tourism and hotel industry during the past ten years. After it was accepted into UNDESA, WHA will make new and bigger contribution to Chinese social and economic development and the exchange and cooperation of world hotel industry all over the world.








输入World Hotel Association可查询到。你会看到贵组织的信息,是NGO(非政府组织)的状态,被承认为联合国经社部的民间团体,但不是正式成员状态,(正式成员)那一栏写的是“中国”。祝贺你们被认证,我知道这是需要一个国际组织的服务表现出最大的正直,同时还要采取措施免除那些利用组织而赚取个人利益的人。




     国际旅游与酒店联合总会总主席 多米尼克

