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时间:2010-12-29来源:转载 作者:世界酒店编辑

       此次活动以新颖的西式酒会形式在轻松愉快的氛围中进行着,现场的嘉宾给予了酒会高度的认可和赞赏。 酒会结束时,酒店安排专人为来宾讲述了梅花鹿进店的故事,并向出席活动的嘉宾们送上了象征“一路好运”的酒店吉祥物——福鹿,为本届星海假日酒店博若莱新酒节酒会画上了一个圆满的句号。


      The third Thursday of every November is the Beaujolais Nouveau, which is pursued by the red wine lovers all over the world. At 5 p.m. on November 18th, 2010 Beaujolais Nouveau wine party opens in Dalian Bayshore Hotel.
      With the elegant violin melody, five series of imported red wine are displayed on the dining-table. The newly-appointed chef cooks superb cuisine to match different kinds of red wine, and professional wine-tasters are invited to introduce the new Beaujolais Nouveau.
      This party is proceeding with a fresh western style wine party which is obtained highly approvals and appreciation. At the end of the party, the hotel arranges people to tell the story of “sika deer’s running in”, and sends the distinguished guests the hotel’s mascot—Fulu, which provide a fitting final of this Beaujolais Nouveau wine party in Dalian Bayshore Hotel.
