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时间:2010-12-28来源:转载 作者:世界酒店编辑

       STR Global 报道称在亚太地区有1084家酒店,总计26525间客房。第二大区域是欧洲,有711家酒店,总计122301间客房。“由于亚太地区的可入住房均收入有较大恢复,该地区的市场不断发展,现有1084家酒店。”STR Global的总裁Elizabeth Randall说,“我们期待在现在的市场和经济条件下,这趋势将继续下去。这区域在即将到来的几个月能有更大的发展。”

      The Asia Pacific hotel development pipeline is more than twice as large as the next closest region, as unrivaled expansion in China and India continues to drive regional growth.
      STR Global reports that 1,084 hotels totaling 265,251 guestrooms are under development in Asia Pacific. The next largest region, Europe, boasts a pipeline of 711 hotels and 122,301 guestrooms. "With a strong recovery in revenue per available room across Asia Pacific, the region's pipeline has picked up and now holds 1,084 hotels projects," says Elizabeth Randall, managing director of STR Global. "We expect that in light of the current market and economic conditions, this trend will continue and the region will see further pipeline growth during coming months."
      Among the markets in Asia Pacific, New Delhi reports the largest expected growth if all active rooms open. India’s largest city finished October with 7,558 guestrooms in the total active pipeline; New Delhi's existing hotel inventory totals 19,034 guestrooms. Four other Asia Pacific markets report significant expected growth: Mumbai (5,391 guestrooms in the total active pipeline and 23% expected growth), Manila (4,962 guestrooms with 22% expected growth), Bangkok (8,526 guestrooms with 13% expected growth) and Kuala Lumpur (4,110 guestrooms with 12% expected growth).
