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时间:2010-12-28来源:转载 作者:世界酒店编辑


      A new United Nations report says hundreds of resort destinations in the Caribbean are in danger of being destroyed by rising sea levels within the coming century.
      Tourist resorts in Antigua, the Bahamas, Barbados, Bermuda, the Grenadines, Nevis, St. Kitts and St. Vincent are just a sampling of the Caribbean island nations that could be severely damaged or even completely submerged by the middle of the 21st century as a result of rising seas, according to a dire prediction released by the UN Development Programme.
      In the event that sea levels increase 1 m—a scenario that most climate change experts believe is likely within the coming century—approximately 150 existing large tourist resorts would be damaged or lost, the report predicts. In addition, 21 Caribbean airports and most of the region’s major ports would be heavily damaged. The report paints even more dire circumstances should sea levels rise further. Under one scenario deemed plausible by the report, more than 300 existing large tourist resorts could be destroyed this century by climate change.

