佛山保利洲际酒店总经理Mr. Carlo Schmed, 市场营销总监王文昌先生同《叶问前传》演员杜宇航、陈嘉桓合影
Photo (from left to right): Miss Zhang jiaheng, General Manager of InterContinental Foshan Mr. Carlo Schmed, starring To Yu-hang (who plays Ip Man), Director of S&M from InterContinental Foshan Mr. Jeff Wang.
佛山保利洲际酒店总经理Mr. Carlo Schmed, 市场营销总监王文昌先生同叶问之子叶准老师合影
Photo (from left to right): General Manager of InterContinental Foshan Mr. Carlo Schmed, Ip Chun, (elder son of Ip Man), Director of S&M from InterContinental Foshan Mr. Jeff Wang.
佛山保利洲际酒店总经理Mr. Carlo Schmed同《叶问前传》主创人员合影
Photo (from left to right): General Manager of InterContinental Foshan Mr. Carlo Schmed, The cast and production team of "The Legend Is Born - Ip Man"