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陈勇华 常州都喜天丽富都青枫苑酒店总经理

陈勇华  常州都喜天丽富都青枫苑酒店总经理

        陈勇华先生在豪华酒店行业服务近20年,1999年至2008年在常州侨裕大酒店和夏岩三勤生态园酒店任职期间,营业收入稳居行业前三位; 2009年至今在常州都喜天丽富都青枫苑酒店任职期间,酒店服务品质稳步提升,节能降耗,成本控制在行业内名列前茅。多次成功接待国家政要,在业界赢得了一致赞誉。 作为扬州大学商学院客座教授、常州轻工职业技术学院客座教授,本人致力于将酒店经营管理及服务的经验分享给更多的同行、同事以及未来社会的栋梁们。 作为常州餐饮行业的领军人,更是将传承常州菜放在心头。传承与创新结合,带领企业获得区、市、省级及国家各项荣誉。2015年 常州市新北区餐饮协会聘请为“顾问委员会顾问”; 江苏省烹饪大师荣誉称号;江苏省餐饮服务大师荣誉称号。在注重菜肴口味的同时,企业更将食品卫生安全放在首位。作为常州市第一批阳光厨房及样板厨房示范单位,企业不仅在食品卫生安全上做好榜样作用,更带领着各大餐饮企业,响应政府号召,改造厨房,重视食品安全。
        Mr. Chen yonghua has served in the luxury hotel industry for nearly 20 years. From 1999 to 2008, during his tenure in changzhou qiaoyu hotel and xia yan sanqin eco-park hotel, his business income was among the top three in the industry. Since 2009, I have been working in the qingfengyuan hotel of hetian lifudu in changzhou city. The service quality of the hotel has been steadily improved, energy saving and consumption reduction, and cost control ranks top in the industry.He has successfully received national politicians and won unanimous praise in the industry. As a visiting professor at the business school of yangzhou university and a visiting professor at changzhou light industry college, I am committed to sharing my experience in hotel management and service with more colleagues, colleagues and leaders of future society. As the leader of the catering industry in changzhou, it is more to inherit changzhou food in mind.Combined inheritance and innovation, led the enterprise to win various honors of region, city, province and country.In 2015, changzhou xinbei district catering association was appointed as the "consultant committee consultant"; Honorary title of jiangsu cuisine master;Jiangsu provincial restaurant service master honorary title.While paying attention to the taste of dishes, enterprises put food hygiene and safety in the first place.As the first batch of sunshine kitchen and sample kitchen demonstration unit in changzhou city, the enterprise not only does a good role model in food hygiene and safety, but also leads the major catering enterprises to respond to the government's call to transform the kitchen and pay attention to food safety.