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郭潜力 海航天津中心发展有限公司与海航天津中心唐拉雅秀酒店董事长



         郭潜力,男,现任海航天津中心唐拉雅秀酒店董事长,国家二级作家,中共党员。1989年起从事酒店及旅游企业高级管理工作,先后任职海口新南洋大酒店常务副总经理;海南国泰国际旅行社总经理、法定代表人;1996年3月当选海南省旅游协会第一届理事;2002年起至今,历任陕西长安海航之星宾馆有限公司总经理;海南博鳌海航度假酒店总经理;重庆海航酒店投资有限公司董事、总经理(其中:2008年1月至2010年8月任海航西南区域企业党委副书记兼纪委书记;重庆海航置业有限公司董事长、总经理 );北京石景山海航大酒店管理有限公司董事、总经理(并兼任北京海航盛景房地产开发有限公司常务副总经理);海航天津中心发展有限公司总经理、董事长;天津中心唐拉雅秀酒店董事长;同时兼任天津旺海鑫酒店管理有限公司(天津凯悦酒店)董事长、法定代表人。
Guo Qianli, male, Chairman of Tianjin Center & Tangla Hotel Tianjin, national second-level writer, member of the Communist Party of China, Since 1989, he has been engaged in senior management of hotel and tourism companies. Deputy GM of Haikou New Nanyang Grand Hotel. GM & Legal Representative of Hainan Guotai International Travel Agency. During this term, he was elected as the first director-general of the Hainan Provincial Tourism Association in Mar.1996. 2002 to now, GM of Shanxi Chang’an HNA Star Hotel, GM of Hainan Boao HNA Resort Hotel, Director & GM of Chongqing HNA Investment Co.,Ltd (Served as Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Secretary of the Disciplinary Committee of the Hainan Southwest Regional Enterprise from Jan.2008 to Aug. 2010), Chairman & GM of Chongqing HNA Real Estate Co., Ltd; Chairman & GM of Beijing Shijingshan HNA Grand Hotel Management Co., Ltd, he is also the executive deputy general manager of Beijing Haihang Shengjing Real Estate Development Co., Ltd; And Chairman of Tianjin Center & Tangla Hotel Tianjin. (Served as Chairman & Person in charge Tianjin Kaiyue Hotel from Jan.2017).

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