江西景德酒业食品有限公司位于山清水秀的景德镇市浮梁县湘湖镇,占地面积120 亩,资产总额1.2 亿元。拥有年产白酒能力1 万吨,现已开发出高、中、低档30 多个系列600 多个品种,是江西省酿酒行业重点企业。景德酒业酿酒历史悠久,“景德酒”源于北宋景德年间皇家御赐酒坊。其制曲工艺、所传承的酿酒古法,文字记载可追溯至北宋1004 年前。“景德”原酒自古以新平地产粮谷为原料,经传统工序固态发酵、三蒸三摘后,贮存于天然岩洞老熟而成,酒液具有 “无色透明、窖香醇和、浓而不厌、绵甜爽净、纯而不淡、尾净香长的曲酒浓香风格”,先后获得江西省名酒、2016 年获巴拿马太平洋万 国博览会银奖,中国景德镇市国际陶瓷博览会的指定专用酒。
Jiangxi Jingde Liquor Food Co., Ltd. is located in Xianghu Town, Fuliang County, Jingdezhen City, with a land area of 120 mu and total assets of 120 million yuan. With an annual production capacity of 10,000 tons of white wine, it has developed more than 30 varieties series of high, medium and low grades, over 600 brands. It is a key enterprise in the brewing industry of Jiangxi Province.The brewing industry has a long history. The "Jingde Liquor" originated from the royal
imperial winery in the Jingde period of the Northern Song Dynasty. Its making process inherit the ancient method of brewing, which can be traced back to the Northern Song Dynasty of 1004 years ago. The mateial of "Jingde" has been using the cereals in Xinping since ancient times. It has been traditionally processed by solid-state fermentation, three steamed and three-picked, after that stored in a natural cave. The wine is"colorless, pure, mild, sweet and refreshing",
having a long and fragrant flavor. It has won the famous wine award of Jiangxi Province, the Silver Award of Panama Pacific International Exposition in 2016, and the designated wine of China Jingdezhen International Ceramics Expo.