陕西旅游饭店管理(集团)股份有限公司(简称陕旅饭店集团)已成为中国西北地区管理规模最大、实力最强的饭店管理集团,被誉为“中国最具发展潜力酒店管理公司”。陕旅饭店集团发展十年来积极开拓市场,建立符合现代企业制度的经营管理体系,开展精细化服务,构建人力资源梯队建设,不断拓展酒店管理市场, 使公司发展既得到了良好的经济效益,也赢得了市场的广泛认可,树立了企业品牌。
Shannxi Tourism Hotel Group(STHG) became the largest and most powerful hotel management group ofnorthwest region of China and was called “the Hotel Management Company with the Most DevelopmentPotential”. During the past decade, STHG explored the market actively, established a businessmanagement system conforming with modern enterprise system and carried out detailed services, whichhelped the company developed.
Shannxi Tourism Hotel Group(STHG) became the largest and most powerful hotel management group ofnorthwest region of China and was called “the Hotel Management Company with the Most DevelopmentPotential”. During the past decade, STHG explored the market actively, established a businessmanagement system conforming with modern enterprise system and carried out detailed services, whichhelped the company developed.