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成都水街黉台酒店位于成都高新区铁像寺水街88 号,为铁像寺水街街区商圈一期项目的15 栋105、107 号建筑。水街黉台酒店不仅配套了餐饮、酒吧、书吧等硬设,还推出了为到店客人提供的“皇金管家”一站式服务,“皇金管家”必须具备总机、预订、前台、GRO、礼宾员的综合工作能力,服务内容包括:客人预订、到店办理入住、行李服务、带客进房、在店期间服务以及下一站行程预订、退房、离店、客户档案建立等等,让客人充分享受宾至如归的礼宾待遇,将酒店各种服务做到极致,即“精细、周到、圆满、美好”,体现水街黉台酒店更专业化、私人化的高端服务。
The Chengdu Shuijie Hongtai hotel is locatedat No. 88, Waterfront street, Tiexiangsitemple, High-tech zone, Chengdu.TheChengdu Shuijie Hongtai hotel is not onlyequipped with catering, bar, book bar andother hard facilities, but also has launcheda one-stop service of "king's butler" for
customers. "king's butler" must have thecomprehensive working ability of switchboard,reservation, front desk, GRO and concierge.The service content includes:The guestreservation, check-in, luggage to storeservice, take the guest into the room, in theshop during the travel booking services, and
next stop, check-out, departure, customerrecords, etc., let a guest feel at home toenjoy to the full treatment protocol, will thehotel various service supremely well, namely"careful, considerate, complete, beautiful",reflect the Chengdu Shuijie Hongtai hotelhotel more professional, personal high-endservices.