广东邮电大厦,全称是中国电信集团有公司广东邮电大厦,直属于中国电信广东公司,是首届“中国饭店金星奖”百强酒店。酒店地处广州市最繁华的三大商圈之一——商贾云集的东山口商圈的核心地带,地理位置交通快捷便利。酒店楼高14 层,是一间自主管理的精品商务酒店,拥有各类贵宾套房、豪华套房、
行政商务房和标准客房109 间,各式中高档餐厅包房、宴会大厅、中小型会议室和康体娱乐等服务设施。广东邮电大厦自2005 年开业以来,坚持“以顾客的感知度和满意度为核心”,秉承“亲情、诚信、满意”的服务理念,打造绿色、环保、安全、健康的《广东家宴》特色饮食品牌,为广大宾客营造了一个安全、适、温馨的商旅之家。
Guangdong Youdian Hotel, it’s full nameis:China Telecommunications CorporationGuangdong Youdian Hotel, directly affiliated to
China Telecom Company, is the first top 100"Gold Star Award of Chinese Hotel". The hotelis located in the core area of the Dongshankoubusiness district, one of the three mostprosperous business districts in Guangzhou,where merchants gather. The geographicallocation is fast and convenient. The 14-storeyhotel is a self-managed boutique business hotelwith 109 VIP suites, deluxe suites, executivebusiness rooms and standard rooms. Thereare various medium and highend diningrooms, banquet halls, small and medium-sizedconference rooms and fitness facilities. Sinceits opening in 2005, ChinaTelecommunicationsCorporation Guangdong Youdian Hotel alwaysadhering to the principle of “focus on customerperception and satisfaction”, insist on the serviceconcept of “family, honesty and satisfaction”to create a safe, environmentally, friendly, andhealthy “Guangdong Family Banquet”, a safe,comfortable and warm business hotel for theguests.
行政商务房和标准客房109 间,各式中高档餐厅包房、宴会大厅、中小型会议室和康体娱乐等服务设施。广东邮电大厦自2005 年开业以来,坚持“以顾客的感知度和满意度为核心”,秉承“亲情、诚信、满意”的服务理念,打造绿色、环保、安全、健康的《广东家宴》特色饮食品牌,为广大宾客营造了一个安全、适、温馨的商旅之家。
Guangdong Youdian Hotel, it’s full nameis:China Telecommunications CorporationGuangdong Youdian Hotel, directly affiliated to
China Telecom Company, is the first top 100"Gold Star Award of Chinese Hotel". The hotelis located in the core area of the Dongshankoubusiness district, one of the three mostprosperous business districts in Guangzhou,where merchants gather. The geographicallocation is fast and convenient. The 14-storeyhotel is a self-managed boutique business hotelwith 109 VIP suites, deluxe suites, executivebusiness rooms and standard rooms. Thereare various medium and highend diningrooms, banquet halls, small and medium-sizedconference rooms and fitness facilities. Sinceits opening in 2005, ChinaTelecommunicationsCorporation Guangdong Youdian Hotel alwaysadhering to the principle of “focus on customerperception and satisfaction”, insist on the serviceconcept of “family, honesty and satisfaction”to create a safe, environmentally, friendly, andhealthy “Guangdong Family Banquet”, a safe,comfortable and warm business hotel for theguests.