现任河北旅投国际酒店管理集团有限公司董事长。作为第一批进入涉外酒店的人员,如今已在酒店行业磨砺30 年,从酒店从业者到酒店管理者再到平台建设者,在她的身上, 得以一窥酒店行业数十年来的发展历程,而酒店人坚韧、投入、忘我 的品质更是饱览无余。
Wang Jian, female, is currently the chairman of Hebei Tourism Investment International Hotel Management Group Co., Ltd. As the first person to enter a foreign-related hotel, she has now been in the hotel industry for 30 years. From a hotel practitioner to a hotel manager, even to a platform builder, we can see the development of the hotel industry of decades from her, and the quality of the hotel practitioner's tenacity, commitment and selflessness is even more enjoyable.
Wang Jian, female, is currently the chairman of Hebei Tourism Investment International Hotel Management Group Co., Ltd. As the first person to enter a foreign-related hotel, she has now been in the hotel industry for 30 years. From a hotel practitioner to a hotel manager, even to a platform builder, we can see the development of the hotel industry of decades from her, and the quality of the hotel practitioner's tenacity, commitment and selflessness is even more enjoyable.