禧玥酒店为华住集团旗下高档酒店品牌,立足于城市核心区域,奉行新东方雅致审美, 推崇东西文化的融合,通今博古的东方色彩赋予酒店深邃优雅的艺术表达力,为高端商务人士在闹市中打造一处幽居,寻回内心深处久违的平静。酒店设计将东方传统工艺透过当代设计手法呈现,巧妙应用光影及自然共构宁静优雅的居停体验。
locating on the core area of the city,Joya Shanghai Xujiahui Hotel is a high-end hotel covered by China LodgingGroup. Pursuing oriental elegance, advocating the integration of eastern and western cultures, that gives thehotel a deep and elegant artistic expression,to create a secluded home for business man. The design of the
hotel presents the traditional oriental craftsmanship through contemporary design techniques, cleverly applyingthe light and the natural co-construction ,making a quiet and elegant experience.
locating on the core area of the city,Joya Shanghai Xujiahui Hotel is a high-end hotel covered by China LodgingGroup. Pursuing oriental elegance, advocating the integration of eastern and western cultures, that gives thehotel a deep and elegant artistic expression,to create a secluded home for business man. The design of the
hotel presents the traditional oriental craftsmanship through contemporary design techniques, cleverly applyingthe light and the natural co-construction ,making a quiet and elegant experience.