般佈酒店~ 定位提供有限服务的中高端酒店品牌,通过“体验经济 + 衍生场景”的概念为中产阶级打造全新的高品质生活平台!旗下品牌: 般佈淡竹酒店(精品型)、般佈紫竹酒店(尚品型)、 般佈金竹酒店(臻品型)、般佈旅行者酒店(精选型),立足上海、苏州、杭州等城市,辐射长三角区域,发展般佈直营店,般佈希望酒店的发展和文化,好比竹子一样:厚积薄发、心无杂念、虚怀若谷、自强不息、顶天立地。
The hotel positioning is a middle and high-end hotel that offer limited services. Through the concept of “experience + scene”, hotel aim to create a new high-quality life platform for the middle class! It’s Brands: Bamboo Hotel Danzhu(Boutique), BamboolHotel Z i z h u ( S h a n g p i n ) B a m b o o H o t e l Jinzhu(Zhenpin) Bamboo Business Hotel (Selected), that are located in Shanghai, Suzhou, Hangzhou and other cities, expanding to yangtze river delta, to develop it’s direct-sale stores. We wish Bamboo Hotel is like A bamboo: w e l l - g r o u n d e d d e ve l o p m e n t a n daccelerated emergence, standing on the world steadily.
The hotel positioning is a middle and high-end hotel that offer limited services. Through the concept of “experience + scene”, hotel aim to create a new high-quality life platform for the middle class! It’s Brands: Bamboo Hotel Danzhu(Boutique), BamboolHotel Z i z h u ( S h a n g p i n ) B a m b o o H o t e l Jinzhu(Zhenpin) Bamboo Business Hotel (Selected), that are located in Shanghai, Suzhou, Hangzhou and other cities, expanding to yangtze river delta, to develop it’s direct-sale stores. We wish Bamboo Hotel is like A bamboo: w e l l - g r o u n d e d d e ve l o p m e n t a n daccelerated emergence, standing on the world steadily.