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孟小蔷 (无锡尚麟服饰有限公司 董事长)


    孟小蔷女士是无锡尚麟服饰有限公司 董事长,孟小蔷女士曾荣膺中国服装设计界奥斯卡"金剪奖"的著名旅加华人设计师。她不仅将国际时尚与本土情怀融入企业文化与个性定制,更将现代管理运用到最具挑战的高端酒店制服业。公司在孟小蔷女士的带领下,日益壮大。迄今,尚麟已积累了十七年丰富的从业经验,客户涵盖大型企业集团、上市公司、金融、大型商场、电力、铁路、交通运输、各大院校、政府机关、社会团体、企事业、国内外各类高星级酒店等单位。服务的客户有:苏宁云商,渣打银行,合肥铁路局,蚌埠铁路局,宜家汇聚,以及国内知名地产行业:宝龙集团,曙光集团,神旺集团,阿尔卡迪亚集团等都是尚麟合作多年的客户伙伴。酒店行业方面,尚麟是希尔顿,喜来登,洲际,温德姆,皇冠,安缦,安麓,裸心谷等知名酒店品牌的指定供应商。尚麟制服是一家集设计、打样、生产、销售为一体的高端品牌制服公司,公司以"让职场人更出色"为宗旨,致力为每一位职场人打造独具企业文化的高端制服。
     Ms. Meng xiaoqiang is the chairman of wuxi shanglin clothing co., LTD. Ms. Meng xiaoqiang has been honored as the famous Chinese designer of the golden scissors award for Chinese costume design. She not only integrates international fashion and local feelings into corporate culture and personality customization, but also applies modern management to the most challenging high-end hotel uniform industry. The company is under the leadership of ms meng xiaoqiang. So far, ShangLin has accumulated rich experience for 17 years, customers include the large enterprise groups, the listed company, financial, shopping malls, electric power, railway, transport, universities, government organs, social organizations, enterprises and all kinds of domestic and foreign high star-rated hotel, etc. Service customers are: Su Ningyun, standard chartered bank, hefei railway, bengbu railway, ikea together, as well as the domestic well-known real estate: baolong group, shuguang group, god prosperous group, al Cartier group is ShangLin cooperation partner of customers. In the hotel industry, shanglin is a designated supplier for Hilton, sheraton, intercontinental, windham, crown, anaman, amelu, and naked heart valley. ShangLin uniform is a set design, proofing, production, sales as one of the high-end brand uniform company, the company to "make the workplace better" for the purpose, committed to a workplace for everyone to create unique enterprise culture of high-end uniforms
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