盛宏军 世界酒店联盟常务理事、胜高酒店集团董事长
Sheng Hongjun (Board Chairman of SEGO Hotel Group)
盛宏军,胜高酒店集团创始人,公司董事长兼CEO,高级经济师,注册房地产估价师,被誉为“酒店行业的金融学者”。盛宏军,1968年10月出生于河南,毕业于清华大学经济管理学院,获工商管理硕士学位。现任深圳企业家协会副会长,胜高股份董事长兼CEO。个人荣誉:中国酒店行业事业合伙人机制实践第一人;2015-2016 年度“中国饭店英才榜”,荣获“中国酒店业新领军人物”称号;2015-2016年度中国饭店金马奖“中国酒店业新领军人物”;2015-2016年度新三板创新领军人物;2016-2017年度中国饭店金马奖“中国酒店业2016-2017年度风云人物” 。
Mr. Sheng Hongjun, born in Henan province in October of 1968, is a founder, chairman and CEO of SEGO Hotel Group, as well as a senior economist and certified real estate appraiser who was hornored as “a finance theorist of hotel industry”. He graduated from Tsinghua University’s School of Economics and Management and gained a MBA degree. He is now vice-chairman of Shenzhen Entrepreneur Association and chairman&CEO of SEGO. Personal Honors: The first person to pratice business partner mechanism of Chinese hotel industry; 2015-2016, won the title of “A New Leader of Chinese Hotel Industry” for the “List of Chinese Hotel Talents”; 2015-2016, won the title of “A New Leader of Chinese Hotel Industry” of the Golden Horse Prize of Chinese hotels; 2015-2016, being “An Innovative Leader of National Equities Exchange and Quotations”; 2016-2017, won the title of “2016-2017 Person of the Year” of Chinese hotels’ Golden Horse Prize.