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   北京海湾半山温泉酒店2017年开业,坐落于密云,依山而建,环绕自然的静谧与奢华。四周环绕着众多风光旖旎的自然景点:黑龙潭、清凉谷、桃源仙谷、南山滑雪场、君山高尔夫,环境宜人, 景色秀美。   酒店是世界养生酒店联盟(HHOW)全球第十家白金级成员,是一家提供健康,养生度假的生活方距式及高端会议服务的奢华度假酒店。   隐于海湾半山,聆听自然呼唤。酒店设有三百余间客房, 所有设施均从健康养生的角度制定标准,每间客房均可欣赏迷人的自然美景, 吸清新的山间空气,达休闲时光的放松状态。   加.咖啡西餐厅设有开放式互动厨房,带来色香味俱全的创意美食。海湾壹品中餐厅, 既有高档粤菜及淮扬菜,还有典型的当地农家菜系列,让您连连称赞,回味无穷。   酒店健康养生中心为您提供来自全球的中西方健康养生护理及疗愈体验。在这里,您会体验到源自古印度、西方和中医疗法的疗愈仪式。   酒店共有2,350平米的远大宴会厅,影剧院多功能厅以及会议厅并配备先进的设备,确保所有高端商务活动和时尚婚典的顺利举办。
     The Beijing gulf half mountain hot spring hotel, which opens in 2017, is located in a dense cloud, built with mountains and surrounded by natural tranquility and luxury. Surrounded by many scenic natural attractions: heilongjiang lake, cool valley, taoyuan valley, nanshan ski resort, junshan golf, pleasant environment and beautiful scenery. The hotel is the world's tenth platinum member of the world health hotel alliance (HHOW), a luxury resort with a healthy lifestyle and high-end conference services. Hidden in the middle of the bay, listen to nature's call. Hotel equipped with three hundred guest rooms, all facilities from the perspective of health preservation standards, the rooms are appreciate the charming natural beauty, pure and fresh mountain air, the relaxed leisure time. Add. Coffee western restaurant has open interactive kitchen, bring the creative delicious food with all the color and aroma. One of the best restaurants in the bay, including both high-end cantonese and huaiyang cuisine, and the typical local farm-home series, which gives you a lot of compliments and memorable aftertaste. The hotel health health centre provides you with a global experience of health care and healing. Here, you will experience healing rituals from ancient India, western and traditional Chinese medicine. The hotel has 2,350 square meters of grand ballroom, multifunctional hall of the theater and conference hall and equipped with advanced equipment to ensure the smooth hosting of all high-end business activities and fashion weddings.