李 良(三亚海棠湾民生威斯汀度假酒店总经理)
Li Liang (General Manager of The Westin Sanya Haitang Bay)
李良拥有超过25年丰富的酒店管理经验,注重细节与成功把控全局的能力让其管理方式独具一帜。2014年加入三亚海棠湾民生威斯汀度假酒店,凭借其特有的管理理念及丰富的运作经验,使得酒店业绩迅速跻身海棠湾一线酒店行列。在此之前,李良曾在石梅湾艾美度假酒店负责开业后的运作及管理。2016年,喜达屋集团宣布李良( Richard Li ) 将出任海南区总经理,负责喜达屋集团海南区域品牌酒店的运作管理及策略发展。
Richard Li has more than 25 years’ experience in hotel management, his management style is unique because he stressed on details and is able to controlling the whole situation successfully. In 2014, Richard Li joined in The Westin Sanya Haitang Bay, and helped promote the hotel with his particular management philosophy and rich operation experience, which made the hotel’s performance quickly ranked in first-tier hotels of Haitang Bay. Before this, Richard Li was once in charge of the operation and management of Le Méridien Shimei Bay Beach Resort & Spa. In 2016, Starwood Group announced that, Richard Li would be general manager of its Hainan Region and be responsible for the operation, management and strategic development of its Hainan regional brand hotels.