Dr. Ken Chu (Hong Kong, China) (Chairman of Smart-Hero(HK) Group, Chairman of Mission Hills Group)
朱鼎健(1974-)男, 潮汕人,祖籍广东饶平县海山镇黄隆村。在加拿大西安大略大学攻读工商管理学。学成之后回到祖国,参与香港骏豪集团在内地大规模投资体育休闲产业,现任香港骏豪集团主席,2005年至今中华全国青年联合会第九届和第十届委员;香港工商专业协进会永远名誉会长;2006年至今天津青年联合会第十一届常委;2006年至今香港青联交流基金有限公司副主席;2006年至今香港青年联会副秘书长兼常务会董;2000年至今香港愉园体育会名誉会长。
Dr. Ken Chu, male, was born in Chaoshan area in 1974. He studied Science of Business Administration in University of Western Ontario, Canada. After graduated from the university, Dr. Ken Chu engaged in Smart-Hero (HK) Group, who was putting large-scale investment into inland sports leisure industry. He is now chairman of Smart-Hero(HK) Group, a member of the 9th and 10th All-China Youth Federation since 2015, honorary chairman forever for Hong Kong Association of Industry and Commerce, a member of the 11th Tianjin Youth Federation since 2016, vice-chairman of Hong Kong Youth Federation Exchange Fund Limited Company since 2006, deputy secretary general and standing director of Hong Kong Youth Federation since 2006 and honorary president of Happy Valley Athletic Association(Hong Kong).
Dr. Ken Chu (Hong Kong, China) (Chairman of Smart-Hero(HK) Group, Chairman of Mission Hills Group)
朱鼎健(1974-)男, 潮汕人,祖籍广东饶平县海山镇黄隆村。在加拿大西安大略大学攻读工商管理学。学成之后回到祖国,参与香港骏豪集团在内地大规模投资体育休闲产业,现任香港骏豪集团主席,2005年至今中华全国青年联合会第九届和第十届委员;香港工商专业协进会永远名誉会长;2006年至今天津青年联合会第十一届常委;2006年至今香港青联交流基金有限公司副主席;2006年至今香港青年联会副秘书长兼常务会董;2000年至今香港愉园体育会名誉会长。
Dr. Ken Chu, male, was born in Chaoshan area in 1974. He studied Science of Business Administration in University of Western Ontario, Canada. After graduated from the university, Dr. Ken Chu engaged in Smart-Hero (HK) Group, who was putting large-scale investment into inland sports leisure industry. He is now chairman of Smart-Hero(HK) Group, a member of the 9th and 10th All-China Youth Federation since 2015, honorary chairman forever for Hong Kong Association of Industry and Commerce, a member of the 11th Tianjin Youth Federation since 2016, vice-chairman of Hong Kong Youth Federation Exchange Fund Limited Company since 2006, deputy secretary general and standing director of Hong Kong Youth Federation since 2006 and honorary president of Happy Valley Athletic Association(Hong Kong).