三亚银泰阳光度假酒店——五星级的时尚休闲度假酒店,坐落在风景如画的大东海旅游度假区。酒店拥有近2万平方米的热带园林和酒店私家沙滩自然融合。酒店整体设计风格独特,三栋豪华邮轮式的外形设计更是三亚酒店建筑业的典范。室内装修别具一格,由曾为上海金茂君悦以及北京钓鱼台国宾馆做室内装修设计的主设计师Mt jean-philippe(Heitz Parsons Sadek公司)倾心打造。416间热带风情客房,90%拥有独立阳台,可饱览蓝天碧海之胜景。
Sunshine Resort Intime Sanya is a five-star fashion recreation resort. It is located in Dadonghai Tourist Resort with picturesque landscape. It covers an area of about 20,000 m2 which is a perfect integration of tropical garden and private hotel seashore. The whole design style of the hotel is very unique that can be seen from the appearance of the three luxury cruise line buildings - a model of hotel architecture industry in Sanya. Interior decoration reveals a distinctive style from Mt jean-philippe (Heitz Parsons Sadek) who is the chief designer of interior decoration for Grand Hyatt Shanghai Hotel and Diaoyutai State Guesthouse Beijing. It has 416 rooms in tropical style of which 90% are set with independent balcony. Blue sky and green see can be seen from the guestrooms.