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Li Chaoqing (Board Chairman of Herton Hotel Group)

李朝清,男,汉族,1974年6月18日出生,四川省巴中市人,现任荷泰国际酒店管理集团有限公司董事长。2001年创办了“荷泰”品牌,主要从事精品商务、度假连锁酒店—荷泰酒店,以及精致餐饮—华诚汇酒家、OOH FOOD餐厅的投资及经营管理,目前已在海口、三亚、文昌、成都、昆明、大连等城市经营着十余家酒店、酒家。经营和发展酒店是李朝清先生挚爱的终身事业,让天南地北的宾客在荷泰感受到家一般的舒适和温馨是他的最大追求!他愿荷泰承载所有人的健康快乐,安泰吉祥!
Li Chaoqing, male, Han nationality, born in June 18, 1974, Bazhong City, Sichuan Province, is currently the chairman of Herton International Hotel Management Group Co., Ltd.He had founded the brand of “Herton” in 2001. Main business under Herton’s investment and management include commercial hotel and resort , Chinese restaurant WASINGWAI and Western restaurant OOH FOOD . At present, Herton has operated more than 10 branches of hotel and restaurant at multiple cities in China: Haikou, Sanya, Wenchang, Chengdu, Kunming, Dalian. Hotel management is lifelong career for Mr. Li, because he is deeply in love with this industry. He pursuits the goal to make all guests feel home-warm and comfort when they stay in Herton. Herton wish everyone good health, happiness and all the best.
